Ready to lead a more balanced life?
Here’s a free 7-day self-led practical mindfulness audio series, allowing you to embrace mindful practices and create your own rituals towards your personal work-life balance.
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What’s included. . .
every day rituals for the week, written out for you to practice at your own pace
5 minute audio snippets, an excerpt / a quote / a personal reflection on the thought or practice of the day
printable booklet with prompts & excerpts, with space for you to journal + a reflection on silence & listening
. . .results
mindfulness practices mastered
stress & anxiety controlled
stillness & silence embraced
personal balance defined
life-changing habits implemented
Why is this an audio series?
This is an audio series because it is an invitation to shift our focus from vision to sound - to balance the two, as we balance our daily lives. In our daily lives, from the moment we open our eyes our sight dominates our landscape, so let’s try to shift things around to our ear-scape, even if but for 5 minutes every day.
The intention is to sit with our senses - embrace them, feel them in every way, appreciate them, so that you can simply delight in the experience of being.
Let’s listen together.
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What . . . felt about Practical Mindfulness
testimonial space
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A little bit more about me
Hey, I’m Ruth! I am an intuitive wellness coach, who empowers women on their journey of deep self-discovery to lead a more balanced, confident and creative life, by implementing presence, connection and community in their daily lives.
Enjoy the journey!
P.S. this is a little mindful playlist just for you :)
Thank you for being here.