Recentering.Circles - Mission Statement
- a way of returning to our centre -
“The way to the Truth is not that of progress but that of return. There can be no constant progress in the knowledge of the Truth. There is only a constant movement of return, of metanoia, of turning back.”
“. . .the ultimate Mystery of being, the ultimate Truth, is Love. This is the essential structure of reality. When Dante spoke of the ‘love which moves the sun and the other stars’ he was not using a metaphor, he was describing the nature of reality. There is in Being an infinite desire to give itself in love and this gift of Self in love is for ever answered by a return of love. . .Love giving itself, losing itself and finding itself in love, and Love returning to itself, giving itself back in love - this is the eternal pattern of the universe. . .There is a continual dance of love, a continual going and returning.”
“This is our destiny, to be one [with God] in a unity which transcends all distinctions, and yet in which each individual being is found in his or her integral wholeness.”
- Bede Griffiths
. . .
These global feminine wisdom collaborative gatherings are intimate virtual circles for women to share space, to communicate through deep listening and speak one’s personal truth in a facilitated container, designed to establish an infrastructure of safety and freedom.
These offerings are being created by two women entrepreneurs (both NUSHU Group Facilitators and Mentors), on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean, with a vision to create international micro-communities that explore feminine wisdom freely. We believe that when women come together, commune to share thoughts, feelings, beliefs, intuitions, and personal truths they alchemize our current limited reality. We believe that those who remain/re-member their presence with divine feminine potential have an innate power to heal, create, change, expand one another and bridge a transition into a new reality that is co-creative, collaborative, and co-operative.
We’ll be offering a series of “Centering on . . .” courses, informed by the NUSHU Group style engagement and integration. Each series is a journey, whereby a theme and inspiration forms a path for the collective container - some series may be informed by a literary text, but unlike a book club the intention is not to necessarily discuss the content of the pages but rather to integrate the information into one’s own consciousness and then weave the wisdom into the fabric of the collective consciousness.
We hope you’ll join us on these journeys,
Nic & Ruth xo
Dr. Nic Choren - Barnet, Vermont, USA
Ruth Bezzina - Malta, Europe
Offerings (2023)
Centering on . . . - series structure
The guidelines and infrastructure of the gatherings are always the same to establish a safe and grounded foundation. The facilitators will provide content and guidance via email prior to each gathering including a ZOOM link.
This is what you should expect during our virtual gathering…We will start with a check-in round, followed by a collective reading of the gathering guidelines, an attunement practice (which may be a guided meditation, somatic practice, breathwork, movement, oracle card or poetry reading,...), and then we will offer a series of prompts for your exploration. You will have time to journal on each set of prompts and then share your thoughts and insights, if you choose. We will establish a sharing order. You may pass or ask to return to you at the end of the sharing order. There is no pressure. And no judgment! Let the prompts sit at the surface or go deep. There is no wrong way, wrong answer, or wrong approach.
Speaking your truth to be witnessed in this container of safety and non-judgement allows for energetic movement, for the possibility of release, for the opportunity to transcend subconscious stories, limiting beliefs, blocked or repeat circumstances that no longer serve you. Sharing may simply provide a bit of freedom for you to express yourself. It’s all welcome, even nothingness!
Witnessing others in the process of revealing their truth may open a window to shed light on an aspect of your life, so that you are able to see things that may have been hidden or buried. Be curious. Your powerful presence elevates the communal field for support and growth, so there is no need to interrupt or correct the process of others. Whatever comes up is acceptable. It is received with grace and understanding. Whatever does not feel ready to move, will reveal itself at another time. There is no hurry and no obligation to participate in a predetermined way.
It feels best for the collective if you find a space that is private for the designated hour and a half session. You may choose to light a candle, have a cup of tea nearby, light incense, bring in a plant, stone, or be able to view the outdoors from a window. Please have a journal (or a piece of paper) and a pen or pencil at hand. It is also helpful if you use the bathroom before we begin. We will ask you to have your camera on during our shared time together, with the exception of during the attunement practice. If you need to turn your camera off, briefly, for whatever reason, of course that is understood. Also, please leave yourself muted until you are invited to unmute yourself for sharing.
We will conclude our gathering with an off-ramp to transition out of our container and back into your personal space. It has been our experience that participants are eager to return each week. You may find that being in Global Feminine Gatherings is an integral part of your self (health) care.
Centering on Creativity - Wed January 25 to Wed April 12 (12 weeks)
We wanted to create a series around creativity which allowed for the space to delve into what’s right for every individual - we all have our own habits, rituals and responsibilities yet making time for our different modes of creativity is so important.
So in this course we’ll be following the journey of ‘the Artist’s Way’ by Julia Cameron, chapter by chapter together with extra channelled prompts - this is an opportunity to set time aside for your creative expression and reduce the mental clutter. This is a commitment to create the circumstances for experiencing the deep value inherent in the process itself.
Meeting virtually once a week for 12-weeks, from Wednesday January 25th - April 12th; 12-1:30p.m. EST. Each session will be 1.5/2 hours.
12 live sessions - presentation, discussion and Q&A
direct 1:1 feedback and correspondence via email
a workbook for each chapter of the book with prompts to record your reflections and work
wholesome community and connections
certificate of completion for those who commit and finish the course
The price for this 12-week course is €1,111 / $1,180
Depending on where you’re located please get in touch with us at: - Europe - USA
Centering on Mothering - Sat August 5th to Sat September 2nd (5 weeks)
We wanted to create space for the idea of mothering / re-mothering / re-parenting, which is very much needed. . .it always has been.
We’re going to be looking and touching upon mothering in all its forms, through the tale of ‘The Ugly Duckling’, which apart from being about exile, has a lot to do with the notion of belonging and the search for one’s own kind.
How do we find our people? What does this quest look like?
What kind of mothers do we want to be to ourselves and to others?
How has our journey of re-parenting evolved?
We will be dividing the session into 45 minutes of circle time and 45 minutes of movement led by Nic. This will allow us to experience the topic more fully and holistically by bringing in movement and stillness of the mind and the body.
Meeting virtually once a week for 5-weeks, from Saturday August 5th - September 2nd; 12-1:30p.m. EST. Each session will be 1.5/2 hours.
5 live sessions - presentation, discussion and Q&A
direct 1:1 feedback and correspondence via email
a workbook for each chapter of the book with prompts to record your reflections and work
wholesome community and connections
certificate of completion for those who commit and finish the course
The price for this 5-week course is €500 / $555
Depending on where you’re located please get in touch with us at: - Europe - USA
Centering on Space - dates tba
This is such a big topic for us as facilitators, creators of spaces. We especially feel the need to more spaces for our own - we create so much for others, we also need to think about creating spaces which make sense for us.
So this is such a space - Space for Space-holders. A space were we can come to meet as we are, as a kind of relief and release - always bringing to mind for me therapy for therapists, this is simply facilitation for facilitators. We’ve tried out a few rounds and perfected how we like it so wehope you’ll join us because it’s some of the most fulfilling work we know.
Let’s create our spaces of recovery together!
We hope you join us!