Incorporating Fitness, Daily

fitness - the condition of being physically fit and healthy

Your Fitness Style 

Okay so Your Fitness Style is the first part of a series of three blogs in which we’re going to have a conversation about getting our bodies moving.

We need physical exercise that calms our mind and mental exercise that nourishes our body 


Recognising the importance of exercise and movement in general, is also about recognising what makes you healthy, what gives you energy - the answer is different for each one of us, and so we all have to find our own balance, our own routine. 

You might also want to check out the mind-body connection as well as the om blogs.

Why is it so good to move? 

Our busy busy lifestyles can create a lot of stress in our body, leading to chronic aches and pains, inflammation and also digestive issues. This kind of stress also impacts sleep and our quality of sleep, the food choices we make, and so our overall health. 

You see, everything is connected. Which is quite a good thing actually. 

The aim is to search and work towards balance and then maintain it. When we talk about balance we usually think about it on an individual level but we are hardly ever alone in our lives. Balance is achieved within, but also without - we need to consider if and how our micro- and macrocosm affects us; everything needs to fall into balance. So it’ll be good to keep that in mind. 

Now back to exercise. How does the word ‘exercise’ make you feel? Truly. Think about it and write down the first things that come to mind. Do you prefer exercising at home, or at the gym? Do you like working out on your own, or with a group? Do you like quick and energetic workouts or slow and steady types? Why do you exercise? Do you exercise to relax, to have a break from it all or is it to get fit and maintain weight, or lose weight? 

What I know is that developing a regular exercise routine that makes sense to you and your lifestyle will only improve your energy, mind-set and positive outlook. 

The kind of exercise you choose, and you may choose to vary your workout routine of course, is the key to feeling so good. Too much and you’ll be pushing yourself over the cliff, too little and you’re thinking why on earth you’re even bothering - here too it’s all about balance and listening to what you need. Workouts should be fun, they’re not a chore and they’re definitely not a sacrifice, if your mind and heart aren’t in the exercise you’re doing right now, try something new, try something out of the box even - who knows where your fun is?! 

Before we get to figuring out your fitness style, let’s talk a little bit about stagnation. Stagnation is a very interesting topic, and I’ve been thinking about it often these last weeks. Now stagnation is characterized by a prolonged period of inactivity, or little or no growth - a state of not flowing or moving. And stagnation can be quite sneaky and also find its way in any and many areas of our lives. What does stagnation mean in our lives? 

Think about and journal your answer to these questions: 

Has your routine, your lifestyle become stagnant? 

Has your diet become stagnant? 

Has your family life, your work, your “you time” become stagnant? 

Has stagnation taken over your wardrobe, your diet, your chores, your skin routine?

You can ask this question for most areas in our life and just observe, there’s no need to judge yourself or blame yourself or anyone else (that would hardly do any good, or lead anywhere) - and honestly ask yourself: 

“When was the last time I pumped some life into…” 

Then, I want you to take the top 5 answers, which could easily translate to being your top 5 priorities, and see how you can change your reality around these, to make them work better for you. Think of this as a form of spring cleaning our lives! It’s fun and you’ll feel better for it after. 

Now, the fun part - your fitness style test. All you need to do is mark which letter better suits you. Take out a piece of paper or just have a napkin handy and get marking ;) 

You arrive at a party and immediately head towards: 

a. Pool table 

b. Crowd near the food table 

c. Political conversation in the corner 

d. Deck overlooking the view

You’ve just been told you have to head a committee for work. Which of the following do you agree to? 

a. The company softball team

b. The holiday party-planning committee

c. The charity oversight delegation 

d. The nature course team-building event

You just won tickets to a concert of your choice. Who do you go to see? 

a. Rock band

b. Pop star 

c. Singer-songwriter

d. Reggae artist 

You get to plan the perfect vacation. You: 

a. Head to the shore for a week of beach volleyball/surfing

b. Go on a cruise to meet new people and see the world 

c. Go to a resort where you can rest, recharge and enjoy yourself 

d. Head out on an exotic adventure, or an ecotour in South America or Asia 

Your pet of choice is a: 

a. Labrador retriever - you need a pet to keep up with your pace or for you to keep pace with 

b. Siamese cat, or just a cat really - you love to hang out but know that you’re often out and about so you need an independent pet 

c. Schnauzer - you adore this reliable lapdog, you’re in it together 

d. Tarantula - you’re not scared of anything and think they’re cool to have at home 

Your favourite time of day is: 

a. Game time 

b. Midnight - that’s when you get to relax and do your own thing 

c. 5pm - work is done and it’s time to start your personal routine, get home, cook/eat dinner and relax, maybe even read a good book

d. Sunrise - the most energizing time for you 

If you were a fruit, you would be a(n):

a. Avocado 

b. Pomegranate 

c. Apple 

d. Olive

Add up your results (if you got mostly a, b, c, d or a combination with the same value) and let me know what score you got so that I can personally send you the answer. If you’re actually a mix let me know what you think and I’ll send you all the relevant material! 

Send in your results to: with the title: Fitness style - name and surname 

If you find you need some assistance with your top 5 spring cleaning projects or need some workout inspiration or goals, please do not hesitate to get in touch too and we’ll set up a complimentary health session. 

Please leave your comments below and share with anyone you believe needs this.
