The Art of Waiting - Nature workshop

wait - to stay where one is or delay action

waiting - the action of staying where one is or delaying action

“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower” - Albert Camus

girl waiting.jpg

Wait-ing is an interesting term - it is first and foremost a beautiful word because in this form it is a gerund. A gerund being a form of a verb that functions as a noun, as would mourning, for example. By adding -ing to the end of the word, you transform it into a process. This process is significant because it implies that there is a form of transformation that comes about, a necessary and natural transformation in fact, thanks to the action - or non-action - itself.

But what does it mean to reconsider and revisit the ways in which we wait in our lives? How can nature be a source of inspiration in our hustle and bustle lives?

It might also be worth pointing out that many times we think of waiting as a period in which work is not done. But this is not necessarily true. There are many things that we accomplish while waiting - there’s an element of multi-tasking here, and it also depends on the kind of waiting but let’s take a few examples here. Whilst you’re waiting for the water to boil to throw in pasta for dinner, you might also be preparing the table, folding the laundry, finishing off your last bit of homework, preparing lunches, or hanging out in front of the tv - essentially by doing something else, you’re filling the void of doing “nothing”.

  • Though doing “nothing” is not a bad thing, we need this too.

Nothing implies something - all opposites are a wonder, and they exist because of each other. This is something worth thinking about.

To go back to our list … there’s the waiting in line, or in traffic. In both we can easily preoccupy ourselves and our mind with things we have to do, things we want to do, annoyances due to the time wasted waiting, a multitude of things can be rushing through our minds when we are still.

  • There’s something special about being able to be still with ourselves, not be bored or annoyed or feel rushed for time.

Being okay with being with ourselves, being still and patient says a lot about how comfortable we are with who we are.

There’s also the wait that naturally occurs when you’re working as a farmer - waiting for the crops to grow, for the right time when the elements align - there’s the wait of those who work on call like doctors, nurses, firefighters, policemen and vets, etc. There are so many occupations which require so much sacrifice and which we also take for granted. There’s also the patience required and the wait at some points, that comes with working with people. People can be very difficult and yet many jobs require us to deal with each other on a daily basis. Jobs in retail or banking comes to mind.

Sometimes it’s worth taking a step back to appreciate the person we face and recognise that their job is not always easy, and that a little patience and also humility may go a long way. This is simple showing a little respect after all.

There’s also the wait for a child and also the wait of carrying a child. This is the wait for nature in many ways - just like the surfer who waits patiently for the next wave.

Yet, what does the Art of Waiting really mean?

Although all season have their own special beauty, I do believe that autumn is an extremely important time - for the natural cycle as well as for us. Nature slows down right in front of our eyes, in time to make the necessary changes for winter, and in some cases for hibernation. This is also a period in which we should slow down and turn a new leaf, so to speak. Autumn evokes within us the realization and importance of change.

Nature reveals the ease in which it lets go and eases into another cycle. Nature knows that this slowing down, and this form of death that is realized by the coming of winter is the only way to be reborn in Spring. Autumn becomes another necessary transition period, as it creeps into a form of death - and we too experience many forms of deaths within our lives … but that is a topic for another blog!

Autumn is asking us to stand still for a moment and look around, look within … what do we see … what is required of us? We have much to learn and appreciate from nature.

Between the beginning and the end of a cycle there is always a space - a gap - and this is the waiting space. The Art of Waiting is therefore our ability to recognize and appreciate this space for all that it is.

What does waiting mean in our current reality?

Today’s situation is something novel for most of us, yet it is not something new at all in terms of humanity’s history. We have passed through many times of uncertainty and it has been the case before that such situations were caused by man, rather than by some natural cycle.

As such waiting has become a big part of our lives - if we realise it or not - and part of our survival as we’re waiting for news, waiting for a job opportunity (as many have become redundant), waiting for normality to come back … this is not the new normal, we cannot become complacent and simply accept things as they come to us. Like nature we too have to remain vigilant and try to understand what is going on around us and how we can be more accepting and understanding towards one another. We also have to try to come back to our known environment.

And yet, this is also a period of opportunity - a time and a wait that we can use to our own advantage. We can reconnect with who we are, try to be our better selves, and be more patient and kind to the world around us. This is no childish notion, it is something that can come from us easily if we can surrender ourselves to be our natural selves with others. This is no time to wear masks - figuratively and literally!

This is a time for us to be us, not what culture or society imposes upon us.

What art forms can help us appreciate waiting?

If waiting is a part of our life then it is naturally to be found in all our forms of art. Though I will not go into specifics - as I cover these in my workshops - I will go into the various art forms and highlight where waiting is to be found, so that you can look out for it yourself.

As there are different forms of waiting in life there are also different forms of waiting in the arts. When I talk about the arts, I’m thinking about art - drawing painting sculpture etc. - music, performance art, dance, and most definitely literature! :)

Think about the beauty and aesthetics of the piece, why is it important to you? Why did you spot that certain element and not others? What does it mean to you? Think about the spaces, the silences, the gaps, the elements making up the whole composition, the absences are as important as that which fills the frame.

You might not know the answer to these questions and that’s alright, we don’t need to know the answers all the time. Just keep them in your mind to be able to see more of the elements making up a piece.

Art is something we can use as a mental aid of resilience. There is an infinite amount of knowledge to be gained from all these sources that surround us daily. Art and the act of creation is usually that which fills a void but it is also there to reflect it. The void will exist within the creation. These are the motions of turn and return.

“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending” - C.S. Lewis