The Art of Listening - Nature Workshop

Listen - give one’s attention to; make an effort to hear; be alert 

Hear - perceive with the ear; be told or informed of 

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There’s a lot of difference between hearing and listening 

G.K. Chesterton 

To listen. 

To be listened to. 

Do we listen? 

Do others listen to us? 

Or are we heard? 

The difference between listening and hearing might not be something that we pay attention to much. But perhaps attention is the key here. What do we want to pay attention, give attention to most? Can we really give equal and undivided attention to everything? 

I think that perhaps we want to. We would like to think we can do so. But do we really manage, without suffering in another area? The Art of Listening really homes in on this notion of differentiation. On realising the difference between the small things, that become big things, that become part of our life. It asks us to choose, to realise where we want to spend our energy and how much of that energy we want to devote to a specific area. 

Perhaps it focuses and revolves around the idea that if we care enough to listen, we will also be listened to. If we care enough to think, we will be thought of. These workshops really take me on a journey - of self-exploration, and self-questioning - they have come to centre me in very different ways each month, with each new topic, focus. 

What can nature teach us about listening? 

If you don’t know already, take a walk in silence … and listen … enjoy a daily dose of goodness.  

The earth has music for those who listen 

William Shakespeare