Incorporating Fitness, Daily III

Fitness - the condition of being physically fit and healthy

Emotional Benefits of Physical Activity 

Along with the physical benefits come the emotional ones too. As we explored in the very first chapter on these focused blogs, everything is connected.  

Physical activity is known to: 

  • Reduce depression and anxiety 

  • Reduce and help to manage stress 

  • Produce endorphins and induce these “feel good” emotions 

  • Increase self-esteem, body confidence and feelings of empowerment 

In fact, research has shown that exercise can serve as the primary pharmacological intervention in psychiatric facilities, significantly reducing symptoms of anxiety, depression as well as anger. As long as one remains consistent and focused then these improvements allow them to move on and start to feel good about themselves and their life choices. 

Physical exercise also supports emotional health when it comes to primary food. Primary food being that kind of nourishment that we get from relationships and nourishing ourselves. For example, feeling of joy and excitement are more present when we exercise on a regular basis, in turn boosting confidence levels and the ability to engage in activities with others. So that while you are essentially helping yourself and improving your health you may also be nourishing your social life and relationships with friends. 

In the previous blog (link) we saw that working out an hour a day, or at least 30 minutes a day, already improves our overall well being - physical and emotional. Always remember to listen to your body and let it recover, sometimes recovery is more important than pushing on especially if you’re doing  very intense workouts. The beauty is that you don’t always have to do the same thing, alternating to give yourself some variety is so beneficial, and it’s important to note that moving everyday includes that 20 minute walk or stroll. Not every workout needs to break a sweat, just as long as you’re moving and getting yourself outdoors a few times a week. 

Finding a balance that works for you is the best gift you can give yourself

Cognitive Benefits 

Intelligence -by being both aerobically fit and gaining aerobic fitness intelligence is boosted

Language - aerobic exercise can improve word production 

Working Memory - at least 15 minutes of cardio can improve motor skill retention and may increase the ability of the brain to make neural connections

Alzheimer’s - exercise may delay the onset of 

Dementia - cardiovascular fitness reduces the risk of developing dementia 

A balanced fitness routine also enables one to be more productive and allows you to develop a healthy routine... 

...but really, you just need to try it for yourself

Enjoy the process