Going Wild

wild: living or growing in the natural environment; not domesticated or cultivated

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Why go Wild? Why be Wild? Or rather, why wear Wild? That is the question, or is it … Why not?! 

I enjoy bettering myself, and I have some to appreciate that conscious choices need not be made simply in life’s big moments. Conscious choices can be made for those small, almost insignificant moments and rituals that we go through daily, which we inevitably take for granted, and so don’t pay that much attention to. 

About over 6 months ago I thought ‘You know what, why not try a more sustainable deodorant?’ I try to make more ethical choices for cosmetics, shower gels and creams (review coming soon!), shampoo and all the rest so why not change out that little product for one that’s cleaner and more sustainable?! 

Now, when I say cleaner it’s not because the others are dirty, but they are dirtier on an environmental level. Have you ever thought how many times we throw that empty deodorant away, only to be adding that much more plastic to our rubbish heaps, because even if we did throw it into the recycling tip, we know that not all its elements are recyclable. I believe that most brands are making an effort to reduce waste, use recyclable elements and cleaner ingredients, and when you’re buying Wild (and you don’t live in the UK) then there is the shipping/air pollution to take into consideration - but that is another choice. There is always the option of making your own deodorant too, which is fantastic if you’re in the mood for some home-made pureness. 

Anyways, I thought I’d give it a try. I was only slightly sceptical because I am a sweaty girl and I work-out often, so I was hoping that it would be strong enough. It’s been over 6 months since the first package arrived in the post, and 

… I love it! 

It has lasted through normal days, sweaty days, simply humid days and everything in-between - which was a pleasant surprise I guess. It also feels good to know that I’m using the same aluminium case each time rather than throwing it out! It feels good to throw the refill into the compost before picking up the new one. It feels good to choose a different scent once in a while - one that feels and smells fresh throughout the day. 


The sustainable aspect comes from the fact that the deodorant is 100% natural, the refills being plastic/paraben/aluminium-free and so compostable. It’s so important that we start to recognise all the elements and substances that we put on and into our bodies. After all, if “we are what we eat”, what are we becoming from all the things we put on our skin, into our pores and into our blood stream.  

Now I know I mentioned that the case is made of aluminium ...but it’s actually made from anodised aluminium and recycled plastic, and it’s made to last. This is very true, I can see mine lasting beyond a year for sure. Definitely worth £7! 

Becoming more aware of all these chemicals might be a hassle, and you might think ‘Haven’t they always been there, so why bother now?’. I think the whole point is to bother about ourselves and also that by doing so we’re caring about our environment too. This goes for our kids too, from womb to pushchair, to teen, whatever we’re taking in we’re also giving to them. Whatever we’re eating and cooking at home is going to affect them and their eating habits. 

Becoming aware might take up that teeny weeny extra bit of your time, but if it’s something that will make you healthier then to me that’s priceless. 

A percentage of Wild sales goes to a reforestation project through the ‘On a Mission’ charity.    


The best part, well one of... the scents are simply put - a dream. And the even better part, they keep on creating new combinations - so from order to order you might also expect to find something new to fill your refill. 

Choose from: orange zest, fresh cotton & sea salt (can’t wait to try this one, it smells like home), bergamot rituals, mint fresh, rose and coconut dream.   

I have to admit that I’ve only experimented with the scents I feel to be “clean and simple” - nothing too overwhelming, as I don’t like the idea of a deodorant overpowering a perfume. Having said this, when I use the orange, it feels nice enough to walk out without a perfume - especially in the mornings. 


Wild subscription plans are quite flexible. 

The One Off - in which you get 1 case and 3 refills (so depending on how often you use them, they can last up to 3 months!) 

Subscribe - 1 case and 1 refill, then you’ll be able to receive refills as often as you need

The Full Monty - 1 case and 5 refills (of your choice, of course) 

Enjoy the journey.