Green Fingers

Green fingers - natural ability to grow plants

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Not all of us are naturally green fingered, yet most of us can thrive (along with our plants) with a little bit of care. Getting back to nature and getting our hands dirty, can in many ways be a form of retreat and calm from the hustle and bustle of the day. We can all do this by creating a haven of tranquillity - whether in our gardens or in our balconies. 

In many ways we are very much like plants ourselves. We all need the right environment, the right temperature, the right time to bloom and flourish, along with the right nourishment (water and vitamins) and love of course! To form a relationship with something other than ourselves, whether plants or pets, I believe means we can give that much more importance to self-love and care.

I think it’s such a lovely idea to be able to grow one’s own vegetables, or herbs at the very least. Apart from being immensely nutritious and nourishing, it is also a challenge - keeping something alive, that is - and there’s also the added satisfaction of being able to use them, apart from brightening up any windowsill or balcony for those of us who aren’t graced with a garden or allotment. Imagine being able to see and smell the beautiful and richly scented basil, thyme, rosemary, parsley, chives, sage and oregano, every day. And those who want just a little more work, can venture towards planting some tomatoes, strawberries perhaps, and even some chillies for those spicy dishes. 

Herbs and vegetables are a lovely companion to flowering plants. They make your area look varied and bright, colourful and wholesome. There is a sense of love and appreciation, if not also a sense of gratitude towards nature and what it provides, with a little bit of help, that makes it all so worthwhile and beautiful. I love picking some fresh basil or some chilies and just throwing them into a fresh tomato sauce for a yummy dish of pasta, or even making fresh pesto! Nature provides us with so many opportunities, we just have to be open to it all!  

And what would all this effort mean if we can’t sit down to watch and appreciate it all?! I think the best part of gardening and caring for plants is talking to them, and sticking around to watch them as they grow. Be it with my first cup of coffee, or with an afternoon tea I relish walking out and checking in on the plants and herbs - say good morning ( I find this very calming and I think it’s only right to talk to nature, they deserve that at the very least), water them if they need, and just sit and enjoy! 

Plant - Relish - Be Grateful - Smile