Secrets of a Bath Ritual

ritual - a religious or solemn ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order; relating to or done as a religious or solemn rite

Bathing has always been central to human well-being. The ancients rightly saw water as divine, life giving and healing, and their water rituals were about purifying not only the body but most importantly the soul. 

Bath rituals have travelled from East to West, most westerners have an idea of the Roman baths and the Turkish hammam which elevated bathing to a social event. An entire day could be spent at the baths from hot to cold rooms, while talking, eating, drinking and exercising.

Though most of us now have the luxury to have a bath in our very own homes, do we enjoy the experience as much as we can? Do we make a ritual out of it? The experience needn’t be one of pure function – though cleanliness is a priority – it’s also about caring for the senses, learning how to be in the moment or calm and just be, it’s about washing away all that the day has brought on and sitting in relaxation with intention.

Light a candle, meditate, say a prayer or speak your thoughts, say nothing at all, put on some relaxing and uplifting music, take a few treats in with you, place a few drops of essential oil, some salts and boost circulation with a little body brushing