Supermarket Tour

Tour - a journey for pleasure in which several different places are visited; make a tour (of an area)

why choose organic.jpg

This is a great space for us to go through your local supermarket and read the labels of the products you gravitate towards. You may also wish to visit an organic market together, which would also be a very good idea. 

In this way you make it easier to explore different areas and aisles, and also gravitate towards them once you start opting for new things to integrate into your diet. When it comes to the market then we can look at the benefits of tasting new fruits and vegetables, and how to cook these or create snacks with them. It will also be interesting to see what the benefits of buying truly organic veg are and also how to make sure you’re getting it.  


shop smart

To be able to shop smart we will look at:

produce (local, seasonal)

protein (different forms)



whole grains



herbs and spices


(+ any other areas you are interested in)

Have a look at the events page to find out more: supermarket tour

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