The Power of Intentions

Intention - an idea you plan to carry out; goal, purpose or aim

Why are intentions so important? 

Intentions are deeply personal. Even though they are constantly talked about and seem to have become quite commercial a notion they are still powerful for those who use them with intent and purpose.  

spark imagination intention

They are important because they are personal.

Each one of us has their own intention at heart, for a specific time and purpose. We can, in fact, have multiple intentions going on at the same time for different areas of our lives. We all talk to ourselves in different ways and this is why intentions have to be catered to us and moulded by us. There is no harm in finding and copying an intention to get you into the habit of practicing and visualizing your intentions - just as long as you can develop your own in time. 

The power of an intention is only as powerful as its meaning to you. It has to be something that gets you up in the morning looking forward to the day ahead, something that gives you that spark and that joy, it might also be something that you’re aiming for - just speak to yourself as though you already have it or are already in that stage of life - and most importantly, be grateful. 

Be grateful for waking up, for you, for your family, for your life, and for all the people affecting you. 

Everything starts with an intention - whatever you might call it - believe in your intention and you’re halfway there! The Upanishads declare: 

You are what your deepest desire is. As your desire is, so is your intention. As your intention is, so is your will. As your will is, so is your deed. As your deed is, so is your destiny.  

You make your own destiny, by following your true self. This is something which I have also talked about in my blogs entitled Passion. We have to be true to who we are to be successful in our life, in our eyes. 

How does one start? 

If you’re not used to talking to yourself it might be a good place to start. This might seem weird to start off with - but as I suggest in my reading courses it is so important that you speak (or read) OUT LOUD! I’m serious, it makes all the difference. And with intentions this is important because you are hearing yourself speak of what you want and what you need, and who you are too. 

An intention starts from something you have burning inside you that wants to be brought out into your consciousness. The best thing to do is sit with yourself and see what you need to hear. Think of what you need, what your family needs, of your friends, of who or what you’re grateful for, of what makes you happy … think positive. 

Start slow

- what you’re grateful for (don’t underestimate this) and what you’re working towards and let go of your ego 

Build up on that

- once you get used to this and start a daily habit you can really know what you want and need to hear and how you need that positivity to manifest in your life   

Enjoy simplicity

- a dose of nature always does the trick when you need some space and somewhere to clear your mind of the clutter 


- meditation helps to calm your mind - and yes even if you think you can’t do it, I know you can! You are capable of anything you set your mind to, you just have to give it - and you - a fighting chance. It’s a great way to be able to detach yourself from what’s taking up space in your mind, to find a space just for you. Starting with 5 minutes a day and possibly working up to just 20 minutes within the space of two months you’ll reap the benefits. Check out my Meditation & Mindfulness courses - coming soon!

Get to know you

- in life the truth is that we are all quite alone. This is just a matter of fact really, but I do think there is hope in this. I remember a great line from the film P.S. I Love You with the beautiful Hilary Swank and smouldering Gerard Butler - the moment in which Hilary is reading the last letter from her late husband, and she receives it from her mother. And in this moment her mother delivers the best and most heartfelt advice, when she tells her that though we are all alone in our battles, at least we are all together in that! And so, knowing this to be true, this gives me courage - there is beauty in being alone and knowing others are there with you too.

i love you

Knowing yourself and being okay with yourself as you are is the greatest gift you can give yourself and those around you.