Your Core Personality Type

What is yours?

Have you ever wondered why it is that sometimes as siblings or simply relatives we grow up in the same environment but come out very different? 

Psychology usually puts personality down to how we are treated in our childhood, our attachment to those closest to us, and early life experiences. The nature vs nurture debate will probably never be done with, because it is really a mixture of the two which makes us who we are - it’s nature and nurture. Genes are also part of the equation of course. And in the end it is who we are, and our personalities which in part explains the decisions we take and thus the experiences we go through. 

There are 5 core personality types which correspond with the dimensions of the Big Five personality test, measuring for: extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness to experience. We do usually have a little bit of each with-in yet one or two aspects are quite dominant. We do change yet I for one do not think we change fundamentally, at least not much. 

It’s good to know what kinds of personality traits you have, which you might already know really, but it really helps us to know ourselves better. 

The Big 5

Try the Big Five test out with these few questions; mark these questions depending on if you do each of these: very rarely - rarely - sometimes - often - very often - totally

  1. Start a conversation with a stranger 

  2. Make sure others are happy 

  3. Create an artwork, piece of writing, music 

  4. Prepare for things well in advance 

  5. Feel blue or depressed 

  6. Plan parties or social events 

  7. Put others’ needs before your own 

  8. Think about spiritual questions 

  9. Let things get into a mess 

  10. Feel stressed or worried 

Record your score - 

For all questions, except 7 and 9, give yourself:

Very rarely - 1

Rarely - 2 

Sometimes - 3 

Often - 4 

Very often - 5  

For questions 7 & 9: 

Very rarely - 5

Rarely - 4

Sometimes - 3  

Often - 2 

Very often - 1

Now, sum up your score from the individual questions for each of the Big Five traits thus: 

Q1 + Q6 - Extroversion 

Q5 + Q10 - Neuroticism 

Q4 + Q9 - Conscientiousness 

Q2 + Q7 - Agreeableness 

Q3 + Q8 - Openness 

If you scored between these values then it will give you an indication of where you sit on the spectrum: 

0-4 is a low score 

5-7 is a medium 

8-10 is a high 

Look at your highest score and see which of these traits it corresponds to.


Neuroticism - Worriers 

Neurotic is not such a nice word to be associated with, but perhaps it is because we preconceived notions. Neurotics tend to respond to negative stimuli more than others, which only means you are more likely to spot potential risks and problems in situations. Whereas extroverts are motivated by positive emotions, neurotics are motivated by negative ones. This has its benefits and its disadvantages, as with every trait. High scorers will tend to feel fear, anxiety and guilt easily while lower scorers will simply tend to be far more cautious, more realistic and less likely to place themselves in uncertain situations. 

Worriers are: nervous and anxious, but also sensitive and innovative. A problem usually needs creative thinking - this is why many creatives and intellectuals are often neurotic. Worriers do well in education, as their worries ensure that they work hard. 

At work: you are the one to keep on thinking about the task at hand, it might even be difficult to shut your mind off of work when at home. You tend to pay attention to detail and are hard working. 

With others: you are usually sensitive and thoughtful, although you may risk a temper if you’re surrounded by people who do not understand you. 

Areas for self-development: especially if you find yourself constantly ruminating and wondering, which makes you more susceptible to high anxiety and depression, then it might be a good time to think about meditation. Meditation helps you become calmer and more able to be still with yourself and your thoughts - becoming more aware of the moment will help you slow down and relax your overworking mind. This stillness might actually help you sort through things better after. Give yourself the chance. 

Extroversion - Wanderers

Extroversion doesn’t only relate to sociability, although it is true that extroverts are more likely to be sociable, it is rather more about whether your focus is inwards or outwards and what you gain from being with others. Those low on the extroversion scale are not necessarily shy - they simply don’t get that much out of social interaction. High scorers though find themselves driven by connection and interaction because it brings them energy, positivity, joy, enthusiasm and excitement. 

Wanderers are: sociable, active and energetic. You tend to have a high degree of responsiveness in the dopamine-driven brain areas - meaning that you’re a thrill seeker and are stimulated by excitement and change. 

At work: you are ambitious and motivated. You enjoy travelling and exploring and do well in an occupation where there is a level of unpredictability and change.  

With others: you are fun to be around and enjoy social occasions and find it easy to strike up friendships.   

Areas for self-development: would be stamina and loyalty as you are easily bored and tend to give up easily. Find a way to stick around more often, try to pause and stay for a while in a stable environment.   

Conscientiousness - Controllers

High scorers are disciplined and self-controlled, whereas those who are low scorers tend to be impulsive and weaker-willed. 

Controllers are: the kind of people who enjoy making plans, setting goals and sticking to them. You take your time with decisions and like to be in control of your environment.  

At work: you are efficient, organised and consistent. You preferred a structured environment than an unsettled one and don’t respond as quickly as others to change.  

With others: you are loyal and reliable. Those who are highly conscientious can be perceived as difficult to deal with and be around. You might find yourself incapable of fitting other people’s needs into your framework.  

Areas for self-development: might include flexibility and openness to change. At the extreme ends controllers find it hard to let go, and can appear to lack spontaneity and generosity. Try to relax and allow others to call the shots every-so-often. 

Agreeableness - Empathizers 

Though agreeableness may be straightforward, agreeableness actually reveals the degree to which you orient yourself to the mental states of others. Those who score high, invest a lot of their time and energy in how others are feeling, while those who score lower tend to disregard others. 

Empathizers are: thoughtful and sensitive, but can be overly self-sacrificing at times - putting the needs of others before their own. You’re quick at understanding others but not quick to prioritize your own.  

At work: you do well in caring professions, which means you might pay quite a cost career wise, so it’s important not to sacrifice too much. 

With others: you are caring and sensitive. You have harmonious relationships and rarely fall out with people - slow to anger and perhaps also quick to forgive (though not forget). You prioritize close friendships and relationships and are a source of support for your loved ones.  

Areas for self-development: would be focusing on yourself once in a while. Since you tend to put others first there is the tendency to become resentful but it’s all about balance, doing what you feel is right whilst not allowing others to take advantage either is key. Do what’s right for you and try not to hold yourself back when you want to improve your situation. 

Openness - Poets 

This dimension measures how open you are to new experiences, ideas and concepts - so one does become quite imaginative and esoteric. Artists and academics tend to score highly here too, while those at the lower end are more practical and sceptical, unwilling to entertain strange or speculative ideas.  

Poets are: intelligent and creative. Openness tends to make one very pleasurable to be around because they think and use language in a very captivating way. At the other end of the spectrum those who are too open might seem a bit strange or irrational. 

At work: you are mostly successful in the creative industries and can come up with new thoughts, concepts and theories to others - even though at some points you might have a tinge of eccentricity. 

With others: you are seen as a fascinating, and romantic figure. Despite your mostly interesting conversation, some may find it difficult to spend a lot of time around you if they feel you’re unconnected to the outside world. 

Areas for self-development: would be to become more self-aware of certain tendencies and to see other people’s perspective too, as sometimes you may alienate others.   

Let me know what you think about your score - if you agree or not, if you have difficulty balancing your personality types and need some pointers, I’m here to listen.