Turning Your Dreams into Reality

Last week we talked about making better decisions - perhaps it’s not really about the decision but how it’s taken, how to pause and also how to trust our intuition, our gut feeling. You might also find ‘the power of intentions’ helpful on this journey.

So the question arises, ‘How does one go about making the kind of decisions which will set dreams into motion?!’ And this is a very good place to start of course. How does one achieve whatever it is that one has in mind - whether it’s to go on a holiday once a year, to start knitting a jumper, to retire early, to volunteer more throughout the year, or to simply have more time to yourself. . .anything at all. Another good question might be, ‘How do I make the time for what I want?’ It is, after all, time or the lack of it, which stops us in our tracks many times. That voice telling us ‘You don’t have the time for that’ or ‘You can’t manage all of that’. . . And yet, if you really want it, you will manage the time for it (whatever it is). 

Time though is all about compromise - you cannot neglect your sleep, or at least if you do then it’s probably not something you can maintain for long. We have to learn how to be creative and as we said in the last blog, know our priorities. Ask yourself ‘Is this serving my life at this moment?’ before you do something. For example, I know that to write well and in peace the best time to do so is at night, so I set time aside after dinner and family time for it. I also know that for me to complete my morning routine I need to wake up before everyone else, or else I’ll get caught up in the hustle and bustle, so I need to go to sleep according to the time I need to wake up (and I try to get 6-7 hours of sleep although this usually is what gives). These are quite small and easy tweaks really but there is also some sacrifice involved, but it’s worth it and in time they really don’t feel like sacrifices at all - they’re actually liberating. 

But I’ve gone off on a tangent! Time is important but it’s also important to recognise that timing is also a huge part of what you prioritise. There are some things we want which have to wait, or we have to build up to. The most important thing is to write things down. I know that leaving them up in your head is tempting and feels like enough, but daydreaming won’t get you very far - daydream, then put it in writing. Your dream may stay the same, alter, or it may change completely in time but at least you can see it evolve. Putting it down brings you one step closer to making it a reality. 

Dream vs. Reality 

  • We often create a “bucket list” when we’re feeling stuck or bored but the things we put down on our dream list are usually not going to get us unstuck from our current situation. Such lists shouldn’t be used as a distraction from our current situation. If you do tend to do this try to use the same kind of “out of the box” thinking to see how you can move on or out of the situation you’re in 

  • Question: Are you creating a dream list just to say you’ve done the things or is it because you want to have fun?! Be honest with yourself

  • Are we too focused on what’s next? Because really if we’re too stuck in the future and forgetting where we’ve come from then we’re missing the point. Taking stock isn’t about getting lost in the past, it’s simply about slowing down, being grateful and mindful of where we find ourselves, as well as taking the pressure off any future endeavours 

Alongside your dream list though there’s another equally important list that I recommend you start. A list of all the dreams you’ve already accomplished, however big or small, that doesn’t matter. We can reflect on our life in the same way we reflect on our future - there are so many little victories that go unrecognised - places you’ve visited already, unexpected experiences, joyous moments, things that you wouldn’t have considered important yet when you look back you notice really are quite something. These are little things to remind us how much we’ve done already and how much there is to be grateful for. 

Not sure where to start? Consider these points: 

  • Name 3 things that have made you laugh uncontrollably 

  • Describe 3 moments in the past 5 years when you felt really happy - who were you with and what were you doing? 

  • List 3 moments when you felt at peace with yourself and the world

  • List at least 3 times in your life when you felt most proud of yourself

Complete the following sentences: 

  • To me, real achievement is . . . 

  • If I only had 1 week to live, I would look back on my life and be most proud that I . . . 

P.S. You can afford to be a bit wild and creative with your dreams - it’s not just about the material stuff, think about the experiences you want to go through - the kind of experiences which will live within forever. . .follow your senses. . .