Manifest your Desires

manifest - show a quality or feeling by one’s acts or appearance; to bring into being

de-manifest - to trust and let life flow


Pure bliss is available to us, in every moment

Sometimes too much importance is placed upon manifesting things, elements into our life and we come off from a place of need, of lack. This is why we should balance this out by also practicing and being in a state of de-manifestation. We need the both to balance our life – to be able to experience bliss, to appreciate and experience the extraordinary in the ordinary.

It’s also about appreciating what we already have and taking care of that, whilst also looking and being in awe and wonder of nature. 

-          Ask for guidance

There is much to be learnt by sitting in silence with ourselves – by asking the right questions of ourselves too, by being comfortable with being uncomfortable at times and yet not judging what does

-          Focus your attention

Focus is always important, if you can focus on one thing that makes you happy rather than divide your attention on two or more, then do that

-          Set an intention

Place an intention to make it easier to work towards what you desire – not what you don’t desire. An intention must be positive, short and sweet, it will be your mantra

-          Release

Release your mantra into the world, write it, speak it

-          Detach from the outcome

Let what is to come, come to you. Now that you’ve put your desire out into the Universe let the Universe respond in its own time (which explains the following point) and try not to limit the possibilities by being rigid, what you need might come in a different package to what you want – even if it’s more or less the same thing

-          Patience

Patience is always key – there is a time to act and a time to wait – enjoy the pause

-          Acceptance

Each and every moment is as it should be, be aware of any lessons to be learnt and accept that things naturally flow – nothing worthwhile is ever easy and there is much growth in the difficult moments

-          Fulfilment

Relish every moment as much as you can – it’s not about putting out there what you want, it’s about doing that whilst being content with yourself and what you already have. Love is what it’s all about, the love within yourself and the love you share


*The use of intention shouldn’t be for personal gain, as this comes at a cost. You are enough. What you have in your life is enough. How can we stop the cycle of “what’s next”, and turn it into “what is”, “what is now”?