Self-care practices for Mind - Body - Spirit

self-care - the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s own health

Stop scrolling before bed – it takes an average of 60 minutes to fall asleep after scrolling (and scrolling) through social media before bed. The remedy – schedule or limit the time you spend in front of a screen, preferably two hours before bedtime

Get your daily dose – spending time in nature every day improves mood and a sense of positivity as well as helps the way you feel about yourself. Researchers have found that being in nature helps to develop healthier thought processes, allowing for a greater sense of perspective

Chew, chew, chew your food – it’s so important to eat mindfully and to also eat with purpose and intention. Try to eliminate any distractions, as well as any drinks (including water) an hour before and after dinner, so as to prevent enzyme dilution

Put energy into your morning routine – meditation in the morning not only promotes calmness but a sense of order to the day ahead. A recent study from Michigan State University revealed that participants who meditated for at least 20 minutes showed increased error recognition on an EEG scan

Start a journal - whether it’s just reflections, a dairy or a gratitude journal it’s good to write down what’s on your chest

The power of 3 – stop creating massive to-do lists that you hardly ever finish, find the power and satisfaction of putting down at least 3 things to do and doing them in one day.

If you’re anxious or worried often try this – write down all the things that are worrying you or making you feel anxious. Then cross off all the things you cannot control. You’ll be left with the items you can do something about, tackle them one by one

Once in a while remember to lie on your back and watch the starry night sky

Mix up your routine in small ways – a different route to work, a different trail on your walk, a different kind of exercise, phone a friend just to hear their voice

Notice one thing you tend to do on autopilot and give that thing/task all your attention

Schedule morning and evening time to dance and sing – 5 minutes of dance a day can make all the difference!

Create a ritual out of something mundane – drinking tea, choosing your daily outfits, your nightly thoughts

Fix that small thing that’s been annoying you for a while

Punctuate your day with some meditation time or a group call

De-clutter regularly

Unplug and spend time by yourself for an hour a day/week

Remember to breathe – this might be a weird one but you’d be surprised how many times we hold our breath without realising, if you catch yourself in the moment, pause and breathe wholly for three inhales and exhales, remind your body to go back to calm

Remember to drink water

Treat yourself in some way, if not everyday then at least once a week

Get your face into natural sunlight for 15 minutes a day – if possible early morning and in the evenings

Laugh deeply – there’s no need to be shy, laugh authentically and genuinely

Listen to your body – it’s constantly speaking to us, showing us what we need, lack, that we’re stressed, tired and all we need to do is listen. If you need that nap take it, if you need to slow down to that, if you need to move more because you’re getting a bit stagnant then to that

Choose who you spend time with – notice those who give you energy and lighten you, and those who drain you

Know when to ask for help – and do it in a way you feel comfortable with

Pet therapy – if you don’t have pets of your own find ways to be around animals, even if it’s in the park or at a centre, they’re the best company